Driving School
The Learner Driving Course.
Car control
Introduction to car controls. Names, purpose and use of all controls and safety features.
Vision and visibility. Mirrors, windows and blind spots. Their use and limitations.
Starting and stopping. Accurate use of controls.
Steering. Technique and timing. Accurate control of car. Bends and cornering.
Control of speed. Accurate use of accelerator and footbrake.
Parking. Pulling in safely and accurately at roadside.
Road and traffic skills
Introduction. Dealing safely and competently with junctions, other road users and traffic hazards.
Observation. Scanning, forward planning, full use of mirrors and awareness of road users and hazards in all directions.
Signals and signs. Correct use of signals and reaction to those given by others. Awareness and response to road signs and markings.
Planning. Judgement of speed and distance of approaching traffic. Assessment and timing of approach to junctions and emerging into traffic flow. Approaching and managing hazards.
Speed and positioning. Awareness of correct position in road. Continuous assessment and judgement of suitable, safe speed for prevailing situation.
Junctions. T junctions, crossroads, staggered junctions, traffic light controlled and box junctions.
Roundabouts. mini roundabouts and gyratory systems.
Pedestrian crossings. Zebra, pelican, puffin, toucan and equestrian crossings. Comparison. Rules. Approaching and dealing safely with all types of pedestrian crossing.
One way systems. Use and purpose, signs, correct positioning, signalling.
Dual carriageways. Definition. Comparison with single carriageway, one way streets and motorways. Positioning. Overtaking. Introduction to motorway rules.
Safe driving on motorways. Joining and leaving, lane changing and overtaking.
Safe and correct use of satellite navigation systems
Manoeuvring and Maintenance
Introduction to reversing.
Accurate use of controls and all round observation.
Reversing into a parking bay.
Driving into a parking bay.
Parallel parking on the left hand side of the road.
Parking on the right hand side of the road, reversing and then moving off safely.
Stopping the car safely as in an emergency.
Avoidance and control of skids.
Safe use of ancillary controls while driving.
Car maintenance questions.
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